


- Place numbers in squares (parts of snakes) so that the figures from 1 (head) to 5 (tail) are sequentially connected one by one in the white squares.
- Snakes cannot touch (share a side with) other snakes, if they do territorial fights will erupt.
- Seen from the 2→1 direction of a snake (the snake’s direction of view), a part of another snake can not be in the squares to the next black square or to the rim of the grid. If so it will attack the other snake.
- The numbers in the black squares show the number in the nearest square in the direction of the arrow. 0 shows that there is no snake from this square to the next black square or outer rim.
List of puzzles
- Akari
- Chained Block
- Choco Banana
- Dotchi-Loop
- Double Choco
- Dosun-Fuwari
- Evolomino
- Five Cells
- Fillomino
- Hashiwokakero
- Hebi
- Heyawake
- Hitori
- Herugolf
- Juosan
- Kakuro
- Kurodoko
- Kurotto
- Masyu
- Nagareru
- Nansuke
- Norinori
- Nurimeizu
- Nurimisaki
- Makaro
- Mid-loop
- Moon-or-Sun
- Numberlink
- Nurikabe
- Pencils
- Ripple Effect
- Sashigane
- Satogaeri
- Shakashaka
- Shikaku
- Slitherlink
- Sto-stone
- Sudoku
- Suraromu
- Tilepaint
- Tentai Show
- Usowan
- Yajilin
- Yosenabe